ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
(Cancer Does Not Develop In A pH Balanced Body!)
The first PDF Document to the right, titled "The pH Story" provides pH Balancing Education and Instructions for using pH paper to test urine pH.
The second PDF Document is a 7-Day Test Form to record pH test results for both urine and saliva pH. However, unless instructed by Dr. Smith, you will be testing urine only.
Please note that on page 6 of "The pH Story," the last sentence in the second section titled, "Regaining
An Alkaline Body pH" begins with "Continue to monitor your" and then
stops. The complete sentence is as follows: "Continue to monitor your
pH and increase Coral Legend (Coral Minerals) at 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon or
1-3 capsules daily until pH balanced. For more information on dosage,
refer to "How To Take Coral Minerals" below."
Dr. Smith dispenses Coral Legend Capsules for clients to use when a client is away from home,
such as traveling on a business trip or vacation. However, for every day home use, the
Coral Legend Powder is dispensed as mixing the powder with juice or
water is more fast acting, i.e., because time is not required for digesting, it is absorbed and utilized by he cells sooner.
THE POWER OF LIFE AND DEATH (10 Pages) Click on PDF Document to the Right
Mental and Emotional Health requires understanding the physical laws that govern the healthy function of brain, how the mind works (i.e., mental processes that control thoughts and develop beliefs) and the "call to action" communicated through every emotion, as well as how to restore the healthy function of the human brain when injured. Injury may be due to an accidental injury, such as a auto accident or physical abuse. Injury may also be caused by the diet, lifestyle and enviromental exposures.
In other words, to restore the health of the human brain requires two types of professional therapies: "Biochemical and Bioelectrical."
Biochemical - Dr. Smith provides biochemical therapy (a.k.a. Clinical Nutrition Therapy) by testing your blood, urine, saliva, hair and stool to identify nutrient deficiencies, biochemical imbalances and organ/gland dysfunctions adversely affecting brain function and then providing the diet and supplement therapy required based on the test findings. Also, Dr. Smith dispenses Homeopathic Remedies that have been clinically-formulated to balance mental and emotional energies.
Bioelectrical - Neuro-Integration Therapy provides the "bioelectrical" professional therapy. (See NIT Brochure below).
To help maintain Mental and Emotional (M/E) health and to prevent M/E issues from causing physical health challenges, the M.e.A.N. Basic Protocol and Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) are two techniques that Dr. Smith teaches clients in how to do for themselves. Otherwise, in time M/E issues adversely affect the physical health and function of the physical body, too.
Psychiatry today has become more like a Medical practice in that prescribing drugs, especially addictive psychotropic drugs, is their primary method of treatment. The dangers of using Psychiatric drugs and the fallacy of psychiatric diagnoses is presented in the video link below. so the best that the Psychiatric industry can offer people today is when your mental and emotional challenges can be resolved by "talking" to a professional Psychologist or Psychiatrist. However, if "talking" it out (as the Bible says, "confession is good for the soul.") does not resolve your mental and emotional issues, then what you need is provided in this Mind-Body Connection PEP Series, utilzing M.e.A.N. Basic Protocol and N.E.T., along with your Clinical Nutrition Theapy. Then if your mental and emotional issues are improved, but not 100% resolved with these two techniques and Clinial Nutrition Therapy, then you will require N.I.T., you complete your Mental and Emotional healing.
NEURO-EMOTIONAL TECHNIQUE (N.E.T.) (Founder: Scott Walker, D.C.) Like M.e.A.N. Basic Protocol, N.E.T. releases negative emotional energy from the areas of the body where it has been stored as a defensive process of the human body when experiencing an unresolved emotional or trauma issue. However, using N.E.T., you are able to also identify the components of the issue, which are no longer stored in the conscious memory cells, but are still in the subconscious. The mind may remove the events of the trauma from the conscious memory as an act of mental and emotional safety. If you have any unresolved mental or emotional issues in your life, if you continue to attract the same negative situations into your life, contact Dr. Smith for coaching in N.E.T. The below attachment provides a Bibliography of a number of other sources for more informaton on N.E.T.
Neuro-Integration Therapy (N.I.T.) is also called, Neuro-BioFeedback Therapy. Neuro-BioFeedback is not the same as BioFeedback. Unlike N.E.T.,, which Dr. Smith can coach you on how to do for yourself with the help of a partner, N.I.T. is only available through specific health care professionals trained in N.I.T. The brochure below will help you understand N.I.T. and when it is needed. N.I.T., along with Dr. Smith's Clinical Nutrition Therapy, are key to restoring brain function due to injury as well as mental/emotional trauma.
Above is a direct link to our web page titled, "Mental Health." On this web page, Dr. Smith has provided 18 - 10-minute videos (approximately 3 hours) and a few key-points preceding the videos about the strategic marketing plan of pharmaceutical companies with the ultimate goal of getting every American on psychotropic drugs and the behind-the-scenes "inventive" diagnoses marketed by the American Psychiatric Association (A.P.A.), both of which assure drug addicted/dependent patients for long-term, profit-driven benefits for both the psychiatrist and the pharmaceutical companies. Both psychiatric diagnoses and psychotropic drugs have no scientific validation (proof) and present no scientific cure.
Furthermore, in respect to the pharmaceutical drugs, in addition, to having patients addicted for life, psychotropic drugs are scientifically proven to kill brain cells, shrink brain tissue and cause the very mental illness for which the drug is being prescribed.
In respect to the psychiatric diagnoses, for example, shyness has now been relabeled as a type of "psycho-social disorder" so that psychiatrists and physicians can prescribe a psychotropic drug. How ridiculous is that !
The fact is these videos will shock you, anger you, and protect you and family members from falling into this well-planned, highly funded trap to destroy the minds of all Americans, which will also increase adverse emotional states and accelerate the degeneration of the human body, leading to insanity and premature death.
TIPS ON VIEWING Though it will take approximately 3 hours to watch all 18 (10-minute or less) videos you must take time to do so. The impact and continuity will be more effective - something you will never forget - if you can watch this in one setting. However, if you choose not to, please review the last video again from the previous viewing before proceeding. For example, if you chose to watch Videos 1-6, which would take just under an hour, in the first viewing, then in the second viewing, start and review Video 6 before proceeding. This will help you keep that momentum and refresh your state of mind and emotions from the first viewing so you can add to it. This is important to leverage yourself to remember and thus prevent this from happening to you and your loved ones.
If you are currently taking a psychotropic drug, please schedule a telephone consultation with Dr. Smith for additional information at (940) 761-4045.
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Last Website Update: 01/20/2025 8 a.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional ducational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
.NET 8/22/18
You may have noticed Google is now placing a padlock icon to the left of some website addresses as an attempt to designate "secure" vs. "unsecure" website. They are particularly interested in adding padlocks to website to assure the public that websites with shopping carts are secure for financial transactions, and not so much as a way to say the website is free of malware.
Our website does not have a shopping cart because it is what is termed an "information only" website. So our website has no need for a padlock. Regardless of the reason, they are unable to add the padlock to our secure website because it is an older web design from the 1990's. Therefore, no matter what warnings they may give you, rest assured that this website is secure.