ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
Want Results? Stop Taking The Wrong Vitamins! Best To Test Before You Buy!
Important to read all of the information on this webapge at least 48 hours before being BCA tested.
Seminars, Mini-Clinics & Home Visits ON-SITE TESTING
What is On-Site Testing? Throughout the year at various community events, like Women's Expo, Christmas Magic, Hangar Holiday, Dr. Smith will host a Mini-Clinic and provide On-Site Testing of your nutritional biochemistry, sometimes FREE, sometimes at a minimal Event Fee. Announcement Emails Are sent weeks before each event. When an event will included testing your Body Composition with a Bio-Electrical Impedance Analyzer, this webpage provides information on this test and how to prepare for it.
Quick, Inexpensive, No Disrobing,
Yet Accurate and Scientific!
Evaluates Your Current Level
of Health, Fitness and Sports Performance
at a Cellular and Tissue Level.
11 Scientific Nutrition, Diet, Fluid, Cellular and Tissue Measuremennts
of the effect of your Current Lifestyle.
The First Indication Of Declining
Health, Fitness and Performance
Can Be Identifed Scientifically By Testing Your Total Body Composition
It Is Seen When There Is A Shift Of Less Than 60% Of Fluid From The Inside (Intra-Cellular) To Greater Than 40% Of Fluid In The Outside (Extra-Cellular) Of The Cell.
For Many, Their First Sign Of This Is Tiredness That Does Not Get Better With Rest; For Others, It Is Persistent Pain Or Loss Of Some Mental or Physical Function, whichever comes first.
The Body Composition Analysis (BCA Test) can identify this shift of inter-cellular and extra-cellular, even years before the signs and symptoms surface. Thereby, providing the opportunity to improve cellular and tissue health and, thus, prevent illness and disease.
In brief terms, body composition is the sum of your body--internally, as well as the sum effect of your current lifestyle on your body, such as diet, supplements, mental/emotional health, exercise, sports performance training, etc. Some of the specific measurements includes your:
*for muscle and fat percentages, BCA testing is more accurate than testing with calipers and scales.
Before explaining some of these key terms, it is important for you to know three things:
Using a Bio-Electrical Impedance Analyzer (BIA), your body composition can be accurately measured and analyzed. There are over 2,000 clinical studies proving the accuracy of bio-electrical impedance in analyzing body composition. The BIA is used at Advanced Clinical Nutrition (ACN) in Wichita Falls, Texas, as well as the Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins, U.S. Military Hospitals (Air Force, Army, etc.) and thousands of other prestigious clinics, hospitals and universities.
Our food and beverage intake, body movement (exercise or lack of), environmental exposures (pollution in air, water, and food), and mental-emotional stress affect your Body Composition, positively or negatively. In other words, your lifestyle and environmental exposures determine your body composition. Therefore, measuring your body composition will inform you of the state of your health based upon your current lifestyle practices.
During the process of cellular healing, as a direct result of following your clinical nutrition therapeutic supplement and dietary program, this healing activity can be monitored with the BIA.
All Cells eat, drink and eliminate waste. We are made of 100,000,000,000 cells. The Health of Your Cells Determines The State of Your Health!
Nobel Prize Winner, Dr. Otto Warburg Proved The Consequences Of Fluid Loss!
In other words, Dr. Warburg proved that under conditions of low oxygen, cells 1) weaken, 2) die, or 3) mutate. Without sufficient water AND nutrients, the cells do not receive sufficient oxygen. This then leads to growth of all mutated cells (CANCER), all degenerative diseases and pre-mature death.
According to the U.S. EPA 1989 Toxic Release Inventory National Report, over 5 billion pounds of chemicals were dumped into our air and water. City Water & Sewage Plants are not equipped to deal with this kind of pollution so tap water is no longer pure water.
Also, according to the Cheraskin/Ringsdorf Study at Med. U. Alabama (1976), the U.S. allows over 10,000 chemical additives in our food supplies.
you think the pollution in our air, water and food is better or worse
today? Wouldn't you like to know how this pollution has affected your
cells (i.e., your health)? A Body Composition Test will provide this information, as well as the affects of stress, diet, exercise (or lack of) and all other aspects of your lifestyle.
Nutrients hold water inside of the cell. The more nutrients, the more Intra-cellular water. Accumulated toxins draw water out of the cells and into the Extra-cellular space. So the more toxins outside of the cells, the more Extra-cellular water.
With a Body Composition Analysis using the BIA, Dr. Smith can show you just how toxic your body is, and whether the nutrients you are ingesting from foods, supplements and beverages are actually getting to your cells. Malnourished cells lead to every known illness and disease.
To identify if you are experiencing symptoms now of Toxicity, choose the Toxicity Questionnaire as your Free Evaluation or refer a friend to subscribe and choose this as one of your additional Free Evaluations.
The First EXTERNAL Sign of Declining Health is TIREDNESS that does not improve with proper rest!THE First "INTERNAL" Sign of Declining Health is a Shift of Fluid from the Inside to the Outside of the cell as observed in a
Body Composition Analysis Test.
The first "internal" sign of declining health may occur years and years before the first external sign.
This internal sign, however, can be scientifically tested byobtaining a Body Composition Analysis (BCA) using the Bio-electrical Impedance Analyzer. Advanced Clinical Nutritionprovides this test at on-site at Seminars, Events and Lectures. For more information read this entire web page.
CELLULAR WATER Inside & Out (continued)
Optimal Fluid Balance is Intra-Cellular Fluid 60% water inside the cell and Extra-Cellular Fluid 40% outside the cell.
A Body That Does Not Have Optimal Fluid Balance Becomes Dysfunctional, Then Diseased.
Precision Testing & Evaluations
keep you current regarding
changes in your biochemistry
thus help you make
Timely Changes in Diet,
Supplements, Exercise or
Sports Performance Training
to assure ongoing improvement!
Click here To Request On-Site Testing for your organization or business event. LECTURE REQUEST FORM
at Mayo Clinic and other prestigious hospitals and clinics.
Event Special Price is $30
per Person, Age 12 or Older. (PROVIDED FREE AT SOME EVENTS)
Call To Schedule On-Site
Testing at Your Event or Meeting.
Call (940) 761-4045
M-F from 10 to 5 p.m.
(Closed 12-1p for Lunch)
Payment Method
Visa, MasterCard or Discover
Do not exercise or consume caffeine the day of the test, OR drink alcohol 24 hours or eat a full meal 4-5 hours before the test. Whole fresh fruit or thin soup broth a couple hours before testing is acceptable.
Consume 6-8 glasses of water in the last 24 hours prior to testing.
The BCA test does not require that you disrobe.
Women? The Body Composition Analysis (BCA) must be tested on non-menstruating days. If our seminar or other special event (Christmas Magic, etc.) occurs during your menstrual cycle, another time/day will be scheduled for you to be tested, along as the BCA has been paid for at the seminar or event.
Once you have received your Body Composition Analysis (BCA) Report at the event where you were tested, you can go to the next webpage attached to "19-Seminars and Events, " titled "D-BCA Report - How To Read" for educational information to help you understand how to read your specific report.
After you have reviewed the informaton on "D-BVA Report- How To Read" webpage, please call our office to schedule a Free Report of Findings Telephone Consultation with Dr. Smith. At this consultation you can get answers to questions you have from reading your report and this website information, as well as discuss with Dr. Smith how she can help you improve your test results (i.e., improve your health), if you so desire. There is no obligation and you will not be contacted again after this Report of Findings consultation if you decline starting Clinical Nutrition Therapy.
Depending upon your personal health, fitness and sports performance "improvement and maintenance" goals, whether this be for the purpose of Precision, Maintenance or Prevention, Dr. Smith recommends retesting your Body Comnposition Monthly, Quarterly or Annually as explained below.
PRECISION - If you are currently making changes in your diet, supplements, lifestyle, exercise routine and/or sports performance training for competition, to succeed in your goals, you need timely feedback regarding your actions and efforts. Therefore, you want to retest your Body Composition every 30 days to assure that the changes you are making are acconplishing your health, fitness and performanc goals, such as promoting healthy cell growth and regeneration, losing fat and not muscle, promoting hydration vs. dehydration, etc. In other words, building health and not breaking it down.
MAINTENANCE- If you are satisifed with your current Body Composition Results having attained your goals and you want to assure that you are maintaining your current satified level of health, fitness and sports performance at a celluar and tissue level, you want to retest your Body Composition every 90 days so you can evaluate if you are truly maintaining optimal BCA test values.
PREVENTION - If you are not currently pursuing any current changes (Precision) or actively working to maintain your current level of health, fitness or sports performance, however, you do want to be retested at just the right time to be alerted should your level of health reguire intervention to "prevent" health challenges and the development of disease, then having your Body Composition tested every 12 months is sufficient.
On-Site BCA Testing at Events, like the November Christmas Magic, also includes:
Body Composition Analysis (BCA), Read "Defined and How To Prepare for A BCA Test."
Most frequently ordered Nutritional Biochemical Testing (blood, urine, saliva, hair and stool).
Full Body Detoxification Supplement and Dietary Program - Our therapeutic whole food detoxification program provides safe and effective internal cleansing of the liver, gall bladder, bile duct, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestines (bowels/colon), kidneys, bladder and the lymphatic glands.
Diets / Eating Guidelines - Food Lists for Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats/Oils, as well as specific Conditions, Symptoms, Syndromes, Biochemical Imbalances, and/or Diseases.
Special Event Discounts Discounts Apply On Event Days Only For Those Who Attend.
However, to obtain special discount pricing an Attendee may pay for Dietary Plans, Full Body Detox Programs and Lab Testing Kits for Non-Attending Relatives or Friends.
Seventy-five to eighty-five percent (75%-85%) of the human body is Water. Men require 60% or greater Total Body Water and women require 55% or greater.
The BCA measures your total body water as well as the water inside and outside of your cells. Every known biological process requires water.
Next to pure air, pure water is the next, most important nutrient your body needs. The only pure water today is Reverse Osmosis Purified or Distilled.Of these two, Dr. Smith recommends only Reverse Osmosis Purified Water.
Most people, however, drink very little water. When thirsty, they drink coffee, tea, sodas, milk or juice instead. It requires a lot of water to metabolize the food substances of coffee, tea, etc., so very little water in these beverages is actually available to perform all the biological requirements of water.
Over 2,000 clinical Bio-Electrical Impedance studies in body composition has proven the accuracy of the BCA test in identifying the state of cellular and tissue health; revealing that people are overburdened in toxic substances, dehydrated and malnourished in the nutrients required to detox and to grow new healthy cells and tissue to promote health, fitness and superior sports performance.
Secure Website Info - Disclaimer - Copyright
Last Website Update: 01/20/2025 8 a.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional ducational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
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