ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
All types of Stressors deplete the human body of vitamins and other nutrients. Therefore, all Stressors cause nutrient deficiencies, which leads to biochemical imbalances and organ, gland and body system dysfunctions, and then leads to disease. Yes, even mental, emotional and spiritual stressors. See the section on this web page titled, "Mental, Emotional & Spiritual Stressors."
TOTAL SCORES PER STRESSOR: Your total scores for each of the different Stressors will indicate which of the four types is most severely and adversely affecting your health. When you review your individual answers per Stressor, an important note is that some of the answers, even if you scored a low point of 1 or 2, can still have a significant or even greater impact on your health than what the score may appear to indicate.
For example, using or living in a home that uses a Microwave has a significant adverse affect on health from microwave exposure and nutrient depletion from foods eaten that have been microwave. Microwaving also changes the molecular structure of foods, so there are also adverse effects from ingesting mutated food particles.
Another example is in regard to your Structural / Physical Stress, your work habits may have a more severe affect than your inherent weaknesses, even if scored with the same points. Therefore when evaluating the Stress Opinionnaire, we must consider:
first, answers with 3 points or greater
their collective affect (Grand Total) on your mind and body,
as well as assessing the questions individually themselves for their adverse affects.
we must evaluate your opinion of the Stressors in your life,
then use your answers as a guide to determine the areas of the mind and body most affected by the type of Stressor.
This information, and a review of current symptoms in the areas of your mind and body affected by the Stressor, will assist Dr. Smith in determining which clinical nutrition analysis or test is required to scientifically evaluate the adverse effects of the Stressor(s) on your mind and body.
Again, the fact that your Stressors exist in your life is sufficient evidence that your body is experiencing vitamin and other nutrient deficiencies, so the next important step is being tested for the specific deficiencies, correcting your deficiencies and eliminating the Stressor.
Therefore, in addition to the Free Evaluation you are receiving by reading this webpage, as it relates to your scores, you would benefit by Dr. Smith personally reviewing your answers and providing a realistic perspective of the impact that each answer and each Stressor has on your current health challenges.
Of the four Free Evaluations, the Stress Opinionnaire Evaluation is the most complicated. To schedule a Sress Opinonnaire Telephone Consultation with Dr. Smith, call (940) 761-4045. Please send a copy of your completed Stress Opinionnaire with scores, either by faxing at (940) 761-4405, email or U.S. mail prior to your consultation with Dr. Smith. This is a Fee-based service and you may inquire as to its fee prior to scheduling your appointment. When you schedule and complete your Telephone Consultation with Dr. Smith within 14 days from the date of the email with the Stress Opinionnaire Questionnaire (or form) attachment, Dr. Smith will give you a 25% discount off your Telephone Consultation.
BEGIN MAKING THE OBVIOUS LIFESTYLE CHANGES As you view your answers, you will see some obvious lifestyle changes you can make to eliminate or dramatically reduce stressors in your life. Making these changes is the first step so their "affects" on your mind and body do not continue to get worse.
However, other stressors may not be so obvious as to how to eliminate or reduce dramatically their adverse affect on your mind and body, so scheduling Personal Lifestyle Consultation(s) with Dr. Smith may be necessary.
Some, you may simply not be aware of resources available to you to make the changes. For example, there are EMF Protectors designed to counter the adverse affect of cellular Electro-Magnetic Fields (EMFs) available through Advanced Clinical Nutrition. Dr. Smith dispenses cell phone protectors and computer, television, land phone, etc., whichever protector(s) that will best serve her clients health improvement and maintenance requirements.
PROFESSIONAL HELP IS REQUIRED TO CORRECT STRESSOR ADVERSE "EFFECTS" Now, to correct the adverse "effects" on your health that you are currently experiencing, because these stressors have been ongoing in your life for some time, will require professional help from Dr. Smith. In other words, to identify, get to cause of and correct the stressor's adverse effects on your biochemistry that is causing the symptoms you are currently experiencing.
For a Fee-based (25% off) Telephone Consultation to review the adverse effects of each of your answers on your health and/or for a Free Inquiry Consultation testing your biochemistry to correct the causes of your symptoms affected by these stressors, other lifestyle factors and exposures, etc. call:
(940) 761-4045
Stress Opinionnaire Evaluation Scores
Mild Scores 20 or Less
If a question that you have answered with a score of 0, 1, or 2 truly does not apply to you, then total scores of 20 or less either has no affect or has a mild affect, if they are a short-term stressor. A short-term stressor is a stressor that has existed for two months or less and therefore, has not existed long enough to adversely affect your biochemistry or it is infrequent and your mind/body is able to adapt, maintain or return to homeostasis, inspite of the stressor or additional assistance.
Moderate Scores 21 to 39 Severe Scores 40 to 49 Chronic - Score of 50
Taking action on scores 21 or above is recommended. Why?
Give yourself just a little more time and Moderate becomes Severe and Severe become Chronic. Therefore,
First Step is becoming aware that change is required when scores are 21 or higher.
Second, is making the changes that are obvious (re-read the lists).
Third, for the stressors that have existed long enough to have an adverse affect on your mind/body (i.e., has produced the symptoms you are currently suffering with) will require professional nutritional help to restore nutrient sufficiency, balance biochemistry, improve organ/gland function and assist your body in repairing and growing new healthy cells and tissue so that your health can be restored.
Fourth, though some changes may be obvious, they may not be easy for you to change on your own or you require more Personal Lifestyle Education to make the change, this will also require professional clinical nutrition help.
What kind of professional help, Dr. Smith has also provided on this web page key factors to consider regarding correcting each of these Stressors when scores are 21 or higher.
For 25% Off Stress Opinionnaire Telephone Consultation Fee with Dr. Smith for more detailed information on how to correct each stressor that applies to you, Please Schedule and Complete Consultation Appointment Within 14 Days From Date of Emailed Stress Opinionnaire Passcodes to this webpage.
OR To Inquire About Testing Your Nutritional Biochemistry,
Call (940) 761-4045
To Correct Adverse Effects (Scores over 21 or Higher) In
Below, Dr. Smith has provided some key factors to
consider in correcting the adverse affects from each stressor on your
mind and body. After reading this list, you may be amazed at what it takes to de-stress the mind and body to improve health. It also becomes clear that though there are some that you can do for yourself, professional assistance is required. Dr. Smith will show you how to get to the cause and correct each stressor at a pace you can handle and soon, you will look back and wonder how you ever lived under such stress in comparison to the energy, mental clarity, strengthen and other improvements you will then feel in a healthy state of mind and body.
Each Stressor is listed below, followed by a list of some of the key solutions.
Chemical Stressors
chemical toxicity in your food, air, water, and environment and their slow poisoning of your cells and tissue or any toxin, such as glass, metal, fabric fibers, isolated vitamins that rot in the body, etc., so eliminating these substances in your life is step one to not keep making your health challenges worse than they already are.
improving Digestive System (upper and lower gastro-intestinal systems).
being coached by Dr. Smith in herbs, homeopathics and whole food vitamins/minerals that are safe and effective for first aide, colds, flus, home emergencies (cuts, insects bites, etc.) to assist you in eliminating chemicals through over-the-counter drug intake.
Another Free Evaluation to obtain is the Toxicity Questionnaire - this identifies symptoms you currently have of toxicity. Refer a friend or family member in another household to subscribe to our newsletter and you can choose this as your next Free Evaluation.
Structural and Physical Stressors
muscle and joint health can be identified through Bone Resorption Urine testing and Tissue Mineral Hair Analysis from Dr. Smith.
when nutrients are not sufficient in joints and muscles, you will not hold chiropractic adjustments.
malnutrition in joints and muscles attracts parasites (germs and worms) and cells decay/die which causes inflammation and pain.
exercise and nutrient intake must be in sync - if you exercise and do not replenish the nutrients metabolized, you will become malnourished and this can lead to injuries and multiple health challenges. An example of this: media has reported young athletes who have died of a heart attack.
clinical nutrition treatment for scars is essential to reestablish blood, nutrient, energy and lymph flow to currently blocked areas of the body from internal and/or external scarring. (Click here for Dr. Smith's Article on "Scars, Tattoos, Vaccination Sites."
improving posture through inversion table and rebounder use is essential. To order, call us at (940) 761-4045.
Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Stressors
Contact Dr. Smith for EMF Protectors - evaluation of what you need and to order protectors.
To truly understand how to correct EMF will require a fee-based Telephone Consultation with Dr. Smith as this is a very complicated subject and correcting this requires individual assessment.
Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Stressors
for what is not obvious or easy to correct in this list of stressors, the following are beneficial:
Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET)
Neuro-BioFeedback (also called Neuro-Integration)
Homeopathics that balance mental and emotional energy meridians.
to correct mental, emotional and spiritual stressors requires professional individualized assessment with Dr. Smith.
psychiatric consultations to verbalize your mental and emotional challenges and learn better communication, behavior and relationship skills are helpful. However, they will not correct the above, and they are rarely sufficient to restore mental, emotional and spiritual balance and harmony.
Below is more on Mental, Emotional and Spiritual (MES) Illnesses and Diseases Caused by Physical, Chemical, EMF and MES Stressors.
To Inquire About Testing Your Nutritional Biochemistry and To Schedule Consultations with Dr. Smith regarding correcting each of the above Stressors Call (940) 761-4045
Mental, Emotional and Spiritual (MES) Illnesses and Diseases Can Be Caused by Physical, Chemical, EMF and MES Stressors
Mental, emotional and spiritual stress causes vitamin and other nutrient deficiencies. A healthy nutritional biochemistry is required for mental and emotional health. Today, many people suffer from chemical imbalances in the brain. What many people do not realize is "brain chemistry imbalance" is actually the term used when suffering from the symptoms of nutrient deficiencies required to operate healthy brain function. Brain chemistry consists of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients required by the brain cells and tissue to perform all biochemical and bioelectrical functions of the brain, as well as required to repair, heal, regenerate and grow new healthy brain cells.
Toxicity and Electro-Magnetic Fields are also factors that adversely affects mental, emotional and spiritual health, and of course, all toxic substances and EMFs cause nutrient deficiencies. If you have not already received this, the next Free Evaluation to choose is the Toxicity Questionnaire. This will provide more information about yourself in relationship to both Toxicity (How Toxic is Your Mind and Body?) and Stressors related to toxicity.
Therefore, the more nutrient deficient and toxic your mind and body is, the more mental and emotional health challenges you will have, e.g., symptoms from short-term memory loss (Where did you put your keys?), lack of focus and concentration, brain fog, ADHD, ADD, Autism, Alzheimer's, mood swings, irritability to violent behavior, any and all can be caused from nutrient deficiencies, toxicity and EMF.
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Last Website Update: 01/20/2025 8 a.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional ducational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
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