After you have completed specific Dietary History and Lifestyle Questionnaires, Dr. Smith will analyze this information in relationship to the findings from a Clinical Nutrition Analysis of your Laboratory Reports (blood, urine, saliva, etc.).
Then, Dr. Smith will design a specific Dietary Plan, based upon your own unique metabolism as indicated in your Lab Tests, matching the food chemistry of the specific foods with your unique nutritional biochemistry. The Dietary Plans Dr. Smith designs is not simply a list of healthy to eat or unhealthy foods to avoid.
Dr. Smith's Dietary Analysis determines, and the Dietary Plans list, which foods your body can or cannot metabolize, and/or foods that promote healthy metabolism and health. So this means even Healthy Foods can be on an Avoid Food List, temporarily, until you balance your metabolism and biochemistry, where you can digest, assimilate, absorb, etc., (i.e., metabolize) that "healthy" food when you eat it, or when your biochemistry will no longer be adversely affected by that food.
For example, if your blood glucose is too high, carrots may be temporarily listed on your "Avoid Food List." Why? Though carrots are a healthy food, they are high in natural sugar, and can raise your glucose even higher. Once your glucose is normal "nutritionally," you will be able to resume eating carrots.
Foods, which are not metabolized, get stored in your fat cells, then interfere with weight management, and in time they rot or ferment, thus becoming a toxin (poison) in your tissue, which can lead to illness or disease. Also, if the cells do not get the nutrients from the foods you eat, the cells will weaken, mutate, and then die. This can lead to pre-mature disease or death of the human body.
Check our Seminar Announcements web page for Seminars and Other Special Events, where we will be providing an on-site Body Composition Analysis utilizing Bio-electrical Impedance, a test that is scientific, accurate, and inexpensive and also used at the Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins, and many other prestige hospitals and clinics. You may also schedule a Home Visit to obtain this test in the comfort of your own home. To learn more about this, click on "About On-Site Testing."