ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
HEALTH MAINTENANCE In the order listed below, print and insert the following
PDF documents behind the Index Tab #1 Divider.
Index Tab # 1
Health Maintenance (Order Form & Product Info)
The section for Index Tab #1 Divider in your PEP Binder is reserved for Health Maintenance documents, such as maintenance product information sheets, Order Form for Health Maintenance Products, which provides a list of items (products, equipment, appliances, supplements, foods, etc.) clients may purchase at any time to assist them in maintaining health.
Maintenance Products and Services require no clinical nutrition testing, consultations or monthly auto-shipment. Some are a one-time purchase and those that are consumables may be ordered as frequently or infreequently as you so desire. If consuming monthly, you may request that they be included in our monthly auto-shipment service. If you have a question regarding their use, please schedule a telephone consultation with Dr. Smith. Consultation may be free or fee-based, depending upon the question. Preint each document below and insert them behind Index Tab #1 in the order presented.
Other information you may want to include in Tab #1 is included on the "Special Website Links" web pags, which provides other health maintenance items sold through other companies. In other words, where you can purchase other health maintenance items that we do not carry, but Dr.Smith highly recommends to help you maintain your health. .
This is not a complete list. It is a list of the most frequently ordered list of our maintenance products, supplements, food, appliances, and health equipment. If you do not see an item you want, just ask.
When you have improved your health through Clinical Nutrition Therapy, it does not require a lot to maintain optimal health attained.
Prices May Change Without Notice. Current Prices Will Be Charged.
In the order listed below, print and insert the following PDF documents behind the Index Tab #2 Divider.
Index Tab # 2
Nutritional Reports & Lab Tests Sample Collection Information
Reports - This section is for all documents related to Nutritional Evaluations, Laboratory Testing and Educational documents to assist you in understanding how to read and interpret these reports.
Specimen Collection Information: The Specimen Kit Collection Checklist, Blood Chemistry Fasting Instructions, About Hair Sampling and any other documentation you have or need that provides instructions about collecting your specimen samples (blood, urine, hair, saliva or stool) is inserted behind Tab #2.
Regarding #1 and #2 above, file documents in the following order:
Health Appraisal Comprehensive - Summary Bargraph and How To Interepret the HAC Report..
Blood - Blood Chemistry Results, Lab Reports and Education. Example of Blood Chemistry Education is the Blood Chemistry Description & Explanation PDF document. Note: A Routine Urinalysis Report may be included with the blood tests, when ordered.
Hair - Tissue Mineral Hair Analysis Lab Report, Educational and Support Documents and Forms.
Saliva - Male and Female Hormes - Menopause Plus, Rhythm Plus, Male Hormones Lab Reports, Educational and Support Documents.
Urine Test Reports and Education include Urinalysis, Bone Resorption Urine Test, and any other urine tests.
Stool Test Reports - Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis with Parasitology (CDSA/P) and Educational documents.
All other testing and examination reports and educational documents are inserted in alphabetically order, after the documents in #1 to #6 that apply to you,
How To Protect Yourself & Family From Harmful and Unnecessary Diagnostic Prodedures and other Medical Services. Treatment and Practices when obtaining a Medical Check-Ups for early detection and/or for medical diagnosis for causes of current symptoms.
What comprises a Healthy and Unhealthy Annual Medical Check-up.
How to Use Medical Services for, rather than against, you.
Which conditions require Medical Services and which do not.
In the order listed below, print and insert the following PDF documents behind the Index Tab #3 Divider.
Supplement Program (POC) (Therapeutic & Maintenance)
Any document about therapeutic and/or maintenance supplements are inserted here, whether it is instructions for taking supplements or educational information about their healing purposes and health benefits. Therapeutic supplements require testing and nutritional evaluations prior to dispensation; maintenance supplements do not. Instructions for each therapeutic program is provided on a document titled, "Therapeutic Program of Care (POC)."
The entire instructions on taking your "therapeutic supplements" requires BOTH the "POC Form" and the "Program of Care (POC) Instructions" (see PDF Document below).Therefore, when shipment received, please do not start consuming therapeutic supplements until you have read and thoroughly understand every word in these two documents:
POC from Dr. Smith - With your Iniital and Retesting of Lab Reports and/or Nutritional Evaluation Reports, Dr. Smith provides a typed POC form, listing ftherapeutic supplements, dosage, duration and "specific" instructions unique to the therapy for your nutritional biochemistry .
The "Program of Care (POC) Instructions" PDF document below provides both
"general" instructions for taking all supplements, such as, when to take them, how to start slowly to evaluate if you have a weak digestive system, etc. , and
some "special" instructions for taking some specific supplements, when they are included in your therapy.
If you have any questions about the contents of the above two documents, do the following:
Do not start therapeutic supplements until questions have been answered by Dr. Smith.
Email your questions to Dr. Smith the day before your RF appointment and call the office to inform us so we may print it for Dr. Smith's review beforehand.
This "POC - Blank Form" (at right) is provided in the event you need additonal POC Form sheets. For examples,
to record verbal changes at Progress Reporting Appointments, that may occur in between testing.
if/when changes in between testing includes invoicing and shipping new therapetuic supplements, information on dosage, duration, etc. will be typed on your Invoice. Thus, you may transfer this information to a Blank POC Form.
Reminder Wait to start new supplements until you have talked with Dr. Smith and thoroughly understand your typed POC, you understand how to read and follow-through on the instructions in the Therapeutic Supplement Program of Care (POC) Instructions document, as well as supplement information on Invoice, if any.
Standard Process (SP) and Medi-Herbs (MH)
This 10-page document provides a brief description of the health purposes and benefits for the most frequently required therapeutic whole food supplements for a new client from two of our professional line product companies, Standard Process, Inc. and Medi-Herbs. Medi-Herbs are a professional line of herbal therapeutic supplements from Australia and distributed in the U.S. by Standard Process, Inc. Finally, due to SP we now have therapeutic herbs in the U.S., as all other herbal companies in the U.S. produce herbs for maintenance use, not therapeutic.
When Dr. Smith recommends a particular whole food therapeutic supplement, she will list the primary purpose for recommendation in the right column of the Therapeutic Supplement Program of Care (POC) form. However, this form does not allow space to put all the additonal benefits you may receive, nor other purposes for which this supplement may be recomended. Hence, we have uploaded this document for your review and education.
NOTE: You may request information on Standard Process and Medi-Herbs supplements and products that are not listed in this document, as well as request information on any other Professional Product Company's supplements listed on your POC. Simply email us a list of the name of the product and we will email its product's literature.
DIETARY EDUCATION & FORMS In the order listed below, print and insert the following
PDF documents behind the Index Tab #4 Divider.
Index Tab # 4
Dietary Education & Forms Eating Guidelines
A Dietary Analysis and completing Dietary Education Consultations and Lessons are required to sustain therapeutic health improvement and maintain health after therapy has concluded. This is also required to avoid creating new "dietary" deficiencies that create more healthy challenges for which interferes with your therapy and improving your health as soon as you would have originally.
Clients who pay for a Dietary Analysis receive three Dietary Plans and access to the Dietary Plan webpage for the documents to print and insert into this section of their Binder. Those who schedule our Personal Education Program series, titled, "Dietary Principles" to learn how to develop a "principle-centered, healthy dietary lifestyle, will receive access to the Dietary Principles webapge for additional educational documents for this section.
The documents posted below are for all clients whether they purchased a Dietary Analysis or not.
Therefore, the documents for Tab #4 include:
All documents below.
All documents on the Dietary Plan webpage for those who receive the passcodes for this webpage.
All documents on the Dietary Principles webpage for those who receive the passcodes for this webpage.
The Better Butter Recipe will instruct you on how to make a delicious tasting healthy butter spread. The Criteria that distinguishes a healthy oil from an unhealthy oil is quite different from what most people think. This PEP Article provides the Criteria for purchasing healthy oils.
In the order listed below, print and insert the following PDF documents behind the Index Tab #5 Divider.
Index Tab # 5
Articles By Dr. Smith
Tab #6 is reserved for any Articles by Dr. Smithor any information copy/pasted from our web pages into a Word Document and then printed so you may include the information in this section of your PEP Binder. Educational documents classified under "Articles By Dr. Smith" are generally provided free of charge or for no additional charge as a client. They provide information that will:
Help each client succeed in their own health improvement program.
They are also articles and educational information that may be shared with family and friends to help them understand why you are engaging in clinical nutrition therapy and/or help them support you in your decision.
They are also excellent to help your family/friends understand why you have referred them to us for their clinical nutrition therapy and thus can start helping them build a foundation of educational knowledge that will help them, without giving away fee-based educational information, such as the documents for Tab #6.
Articles by Dr. Smith for Tab #5 are not the same as Personal (Lifestyle) Education Program (PEP) Articles in Tab #6.
Lifestyle & Mind-Body Connection
In the order listed below, print and insert the following PDF documents behind the Index Tab #6 Divider.
Index Tab # 6
Personal Education Program (PEP) Lifestyle and Mind-Body Connection Coaching
The section for Index Tab #6 Divider in your PEP Binder is reserved for Personal Education Program (PEP) Articles, Charts, Diagrams and other written supportive educational literature that accmpanies or is provided after your PEP Consultations / PEP Lessons specific to Lifestyle and Mind-Body Coaching. (Note: Dietary articles and other written dietary materials are filed in Index Tab #4.)
There are a number of difference between an Article By Dr. Smith and a PEP Article, however, one of the differences are Articles posted on the "Articles By Dr. Smith" webpage are FREE and PEP Articles are fee-based. Articles by Dr. Smith webpage provides a list of Free Articles for anyone - visitors, newsletter subscribers and clients.
However, PEP Articles or any other written supportive literature accompanies fee-based lesson plans and consultations, so these documents are unique and only provided to clients who have paid for this educational material. Therefore, when you receive a PEP Article, you will insert it behind Tab #6 in your PEP Binder. You may choose to group them according to the PEP Education Topic and then file alphabetically by topic.
There are three types of PEP Educational Articles - Dietary, Lifestyle and Mind-Body Connection. For information about these three PEP Programs, click here.
ANNOUNCEMENTS & NEWSLETTERS In the order listed below, print and insert the following
PDF documents behind the Index Tab #7 Divider.
Index Tab # 7
Announcements Newsletters (HealthQuest e-News)
Periodically, you will receive a "Client Only Announcement" Emails sent through our Email Mailing List Server. These emails communicate important information to all clients at one time and it is vital that you read each one. It may include dates we are closed, price changes, specials, clinical nutrition breakthroughs for our clients' knowledge only, etc. Depending upon the contents of the announcement, some you will not need to print, just know the information, and others you will want to copy/paste into a Word Document to print and insert into this section of your PEP Binder. Only clients receive these announcement emails.
Also, periodically, through our Email Mailing List Server we email the following to our clients and subscribers.
A copy of Dr. Smith's Published Articles. You may also obtain copies by going to the webpage, titled, "Articles By Dr. Smith" and their attached webpages.
HealthQuest e-News - Dr. Smith's educational newsletter.
Announcement Email, such as upcoming seminars, special events, special testing discounts, etc.
Health Alerts or Mini-Educational Emails - these are short brief educational emails or alerts regarding some current media hype or warning of some potential danger, misinformation, disinformation or false information being circulated as a fact.
CLIENT HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS Behind Index Tab #9, insert your copies of all forms and questionnaires
completed and submitted to Advanced Clinical Nutrition.
Index Tab # 9
Client History Documents
Insert here copies of all forms and questionnaires that you complete and send to us. This is important for multiple reasons that we will share when they arise. For now, just remember to do this faithfully. For example, do you currently have a copy of your Initial Client Information Form Scar Trauma Chart, all Health Appraisal Comprehensive Questionnaires, to name a few.
POLICIES AND PROCEDURES In the order listed below, print and insert a copy of each of our
Policy and Procedure documents behind Index Tab #10 Divider.
Index Tab # 10
Policies and Procedures
Please use the list below as a check list to assure that you have printed and inserted in this section of your PEP Binder, a copy of our Policies, Procedures and Guidelines.
These documents inform you of our responsibilities to you and your responsibilities to us as a client regarding providing and receiving our services.
Therefore, if you have any questions about our systems, procedures and/or policies established to serve you in a timely and efficient manner, the answers are in these documents.
Policies and Procedures listed in the order that we introduced them to you.
Card Payment Authorization Form
Informed Consent - Clinical Nutrition Program
Informed Consent - Business Policies
Auto-Ship Schedule and Auto-Ship Policies
Clink Link at right to go directly to this webpage
1- Submitting "Total Health Care Costs" to IRS . 2 - What To Do When My PEP Binder Is Full?
3 -Creating Desktop File Folders AND saving PDF documents into them.
Submitting Total Health Care Costs to IRS
When preparing your income and expense records for your Income Tax Return each year, be sure to total the amount paid from each Invoice you have received from us and give the Grand Total to your CPA to add with medical expenses, if any, for your "Total Health Care Costs" for the year.
IRS provides a deduction for health care costs that includes our services and products. For some the total has to be a certain amount to receive this deduction, so including our invoice paid amounts may be the difference between receiving that deduction or not.
Therefore, either keep all invoices from us in a home file folder or three-hold punch them upon receipt and insert them at the back of Tab #9 or #10 for quick access when needed.
What To Do When My PEP Binder Is Full?
When the PEP binder we sent you is starting to get full, purchase the following items:
One 3-inch, 3-ring binder with outside (front/back) clear pockets and inside front and back pockets.
Note: Below will be providing a Title Label for the narrow end of the binder so that when you sit the binder on a bookshelf you can read the title of the binder to know what it contains.
And a Cover Sheet to insert into the front clear pocket of the outside of the PEP Binder.
If you need both of these before they are posted below on this web page, contact the office and they will be emailed to you.
One package of Notebook Dividers with 10 Index Tabs.
Then transfer all documents currently in Tab #2, #3, #5, #6, #7 and #9 to the new binder, except for:
The first and latestHealth Appraisal Comprehensive Summary Bargraph Reports and How To Interpret the HAC Report.
The first and latest copy of each Laboratory Report for blood, urine, saliva, hair and stool, whichever you have had tested and the Educational Documentation in Tab #2 that helps you understand how to read the Lab Reports.
The latest Therapeutic Supplement Program of Care (POC)
Regarding Tab #5, #6, and #7 - Keep in the one-inch PEP Binder we sent you, the latest, the most important to you, or the ones you refer to the most and transfer all others to your new 3-inch Binder.
Regarding Tab #9, keep the latest completed questionnaire or form of each type. :
Ideally, you want to keep all that is currently in Tab #1, #4, #8 and #10 in the PEP Binder we sent you originally.
Creating Desktop File Folders As instructed, you want to print all PDF documents on this webpage that are three (3) pages or less and insert into your PEP Binder in the place indicated above.
You may print any and all documents over three pages and insert in your PEP Binder where indicated above, or you can follow the instructions below to save time, ink and paper, and save (Save As) the PDF documents located on this and any webpage. Below I have given you instructions on how to create Desktop File Folder and download (Save As) the PDF Documents into the file folder (s) you create.
Creating a Desktop File Folder
Go to your Desktop and right click your mouse in any empty space.
In the pop-out window that appears, click on NEW.
Then when the next pop-out window appears, click on FOLDER.
You will be asked to SAVE AS and Title your Desktop File Folder - I recommend the first file folder you create, you title ACN or DR SMITH.
Then open your ACN or DR SMITH file folder and repeat steps 1 to 4 above to create more file folders.
FOLDER IDEAS: You can create as many file folders as you want to be included in your ACN or DR SMITH Desktop File Folder. For examples, you may want to create a file folder for all of my Articles, especially long articles, and title its file folder ARTICLES. When you receive an emailed invoice, you may want to save it into a file folder titled, INVOICES. Other file folder ideas are:DIETARY (for dietary instructions), TESTING (for testing instructions), QUESTIONNAIRES (to keep copies of the RETESTING questionnaires so you don't have to go to my website to print them when needed, etc.
How to save a PDF document into the Desktop File Folder you created:
Open the PDF document by clicking on the red PDF icon.
Go to File in the upper right corner and select SAVE AS.
The next screen that pops up do the following:
At the top of the next window, locate the file folder that you created, i.e., the place on your desk top where you want to save or download the PDF document.
At the bottom of that same window, locate the Save As window and type in the title of the PDF document.
Click save or okay, whichever option you have.
How to save into a file folder, any webpage or information that is not in a PDF Format:
HIGHLIGHT the information that you want to save.. (Drag Mouse over information to highlight it)
COPY the information. (Right click on mouse to copy).
PASTE - Open a Microsoft WORD Blank Document and paste the information into WORD. (Right Click Mouse to Paste)
SAVE - Save your Microsoft WORD document with the information.
PRINT - Now you are ready to print the WORD document to insert the printed information into your PEP Binder.
I recommend you title your WORD File Folder the same as the title of the webpage, article, newsletter or announcement that you have highlighted.
Secure Website Info - Disclaimer - Copyright
Last Website Update: 05/25/22 5 p.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional educational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith All Rights Reserved
.NET 8/22/18
You may have noticed Google is now placing a padlock icon to the left of some website addresses as an attempt to designate "secure" vs. "unsecure" website. They are particularly interested in adding padlocks to website to assure the public that websites with shopping carts are secure for financial transactions, and not so much as a way to say the website is free of malware.
Our website does not have a shopping cart because it is what is termed an "information only" website. So our website has no need for a padlock. Regardless of the reason, they are unable to add the padlock to our secure website because it is an older web design from the 1990's. Therefore, no matter what warnings they may give you, rest assured that this website is secure.