ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
Do You Have Symptoms of Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies Caused by Long-Term and Current Deficient Diet Intake? Thus, Warrant Taking Food Supplements, or Not?
The Nutrient Supplement Questionnaire Evaluation Will Answer These Questions:
Am I suffering from symptoms of nutrient deficiencies?
Do I need to supplement my diet, i.e, do I really need vitamin supplements, or not?
If yes, then I do need nutritional testing to identify the deficiencies causing my symptoms.
Do I need internal body detoxification?
To Complete Your "FREE" Evaluation
To show our appreciation and to say "Thank You" for
subscribing, Dr. Smith offers your choice of one of four FREE
EVALUATIONS. Refer to right column for List of Free Evaluations and
link to their web pages, as well as information on obtaining additional
To obtain the Nutrient Supplement Questionnaire (NSQ), please complete the "Evaluation Request Form." below. This
information is confidential and the
questions asked either assist us with processing your Questionnaire
for Evaluation or help us with demographic and marketing information.
Each question must be answered on the Request Form to receive your selected evaluation questionnaire. .
Your personal contact information on this Request
Form will only be used as it relates to processing your questionnaire
and Evaluation, unless you, otherwise, indicate on this form.
Upon receipt of your Evaluation Request Form, you will be emailed to you within 1-7 days with the User's Name and Password to access the web page titled, "EVALUATION - SUPPLEMENTS", so you may print its questionnaire, obtain the assessment (or evaluation) of your answers and Dr. Smith's recommendations.
Important Note: When you open the Evaluation web
page, immediately click on the PDF Icon to print your questionnaire.
Then complete your questionnaire before reading the Evaluation web
page. Otherwise, the information on the Evaluation web page may
influence your answers on the questionnaire.
up to one week?
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verify your subscription to our newsletter and/or your referred subscriber(s), which qualifies you for the
Evaluation(s) of your choice, and 3) due to the
volume of incoming Free Evaluations, this allows us time to assure that
we are able to fulfill all requests. Thank you for your patience.
How Do We Know Who Are Your Referred Subscribers? On the Evaluation Request Form Below, you will be asked to enter the name and email address for each of your referrals if you know who they are when you complete this request form. If you do not know who or if you will refer anyone at this time, but later choose to do so, please ask the person you refer to put your name and email address on the Subscription Information Form, the space provided for "Who or What Referred You?" when they subscribe to our newsletter.
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Should you have any questions about your
Questionnaire, the Evaluation Results or any information on its
Evaluation web page, please feel free to schedule an Inquiry Telephone
Consultation with Dr. Smith, at no charge, by calling (940) 761-4045.
More information on the Nutrient Supplement Evaluation is provided after the Evaluation Request Form below. Thank you for subscribing to Dr. Smith's Newsletter and referring others to subscribe.
Will Identify If You Have Symptoms of Nutrient Deficiencies in the:
Digestive System,
Heart, Blood Vessels, and Circulatory System
Lungs and Respiratory System,
Brain and Nervous System,
Female/Male Hormones,
Endocrine System,
Fluid Balance,
Immune Defenses,
Environment Factors,
Adaptation Ability - i.e., your body's ability to adapt to stressors. (See Free Evaluation, titled, "Stress Opinionnaire.")
Life Experiences - certain life experiences, such as surgery, increase scores.
Nutrient Supplement Questionnaire
Symptoms of nutrient deficiencies feel the same as the symptoms of disease. Nutrient deficiencies are insufficient (sub-clinical) and deficient (clinical) levels of deficiencies in specific vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, fats/oils and water. The Nutrient Supplement Questionnaire will assess whether you are currently experiencing symptoms of nutrient deficiencies and whether they have progressed to the state of requiring food supplements. Food supplements are vitamins, minerals, herbs, homeopathics, etc.
Three Steps To Health Improvement Identifying if you have symptoms of nutrient deficiencies, by completing the Nutrient Supplement Questionnaire, is the first step to improve and maintain health. The second step is to identify which nutrients are deficient. This requires a clinical nutrition analysis of your biochemistry, i.e., laboratory tests (blood, urine, saliva, stool, hair, etc.). Then, designed from the results from the clinical nutrition analysis, thethird step is a personalized, therapeutic, whole food supplement and dietary program to raise the levels of the specific nutrients that are deficient. In just 3-6 weeks of following your personalized program, the symptoms begin to leave. Why? Because the body is now receiving the nutrients that were producing the symptoms. Over 80% of Americans Take Supplements According to the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR, 1975) over 80% of American's take food supplements due to a variety of factors that have affected the American diet. Factors such as, nutrient depleted soil that our foods are grown in, chemicals in food additives and medicinal drugs that deplete nutrients in the body, poor diets, to name a few. Dietary Deficiencies & Toxicity = Nutrient Deficiencies Long-term dietary deficiencies, in time, become cellular "clinical" nutrient deficiencies. Long-term nutrient deficiencies create metabolic and biochemical imbalances, which then leads to the dysfunction of organ, gland and body systems, which then produce symptoms of nutrient deficiencies. The Nutrient Supplement Questionnaire will evaluate whether you are currently experiencing symptoms of nutrient deficiencies. Symptoms of nutrient deficiencies feel the same as the symptoms of disease. Symptoms Are The Illness or Disease. To learn more about the cause and purpose of Symptoms, click here and read "Symptoms Are Not The Disease" on the web page titled, "Dietary Evaluation Overview."
Nutrient Deficiencies Lead To Premature Death When the nutrient deficient (malnourished) cells and tissue in the dysfunctional organs, glands and body systems begin to decay, in time, death ensues, just like a plant eventually dies, when it is severely malnourished.
What is Toxicity? Toxicity is another cause of nutrient deficiency that also leads to cellular decay. Toxicity is the degree to which a toxic substance can harm the human body. Ingesting or being exposed to chemicals, heavy metals and other toxic substance from the pollutants in your air, food and water or, for example, from drinking coffee, smoking tobacco or drinking too much alcohol, etc., all cause toxicity. To correct this, one must detoxify the cells and tissue of their toxic substance through a clinical nutrition detoxification program and eliminate or dramatically reduce the ingestion and exposures to further toxic substances.
What Is Disease? This cellular and tissue decaying process is called, a "disease" of the organ, gland or body system where the symptoms of nutrient deficiencies have become more severe and chronic. In time, the decaying cells in this disease process will begin to die. The Point of No Return When a sufficient number of cells have died in this disease state, we call the last phase of the degenerative process, the "point of no return," where it is too late to correct the nutrient deficiencies to regenerate new cells, heal tissue and restore the healthy function of its organs and glands, thus, death of the entire body ensues.
At the "point of no return," if the organ or gland can be surgically removed, the physician will recommend this procedure. However, some organs and glands of the body cannot be removed or the patient would instantly die. If a part (the diseased organ or gland) can be removed to save the whole body, a patient will have their surgery to extend their life a while longer. However, the patient's longevity has now been compromised,. A body with missing parts cannot function (i.e., live) as long as a person with their whole body intact.
For this reason, it is "vitally" important to have a clinical nutrition analysis of your biochemistry (blood, urine, saliva, hair, etc.), as quickly as possible to restore the healthy function of your organs, glands and body systems, before nutrient deficiencies have reached this point of no return in their degenerative disease process.
True Preventive Health Care If you currently do not have any symptoms and you correct the deficiencies, identified by a clinical nutrition analysis of your biochemistry (blood, urine, saliva, hair, etc.), before they begin to produce their symptoms, this called, true "preventive health care."
Another definition of preventive health care is when you do have symptoms of nutrient deficiencies,Free Evaluation from completing the Nutrient Supplement Questionnaire will identify, yet have not been diagnosed with a disease and as the you proactively correct the deficiencies identified by a clinical nutrition analysis of your biochemistry, and, thus, prevent a disease from occurring. Do You Have A Diagnosed Disease? If you have been diagnosed with one or more disease, yet act quickly to obtain a clinical nutrition analysis to correct your deficiencies, regenerate new cells and heal tissue, you have the opportunity to restore your health and reverse this disease process before it reaches the "point of no return." Early Detection is not Preventive Health Care Early Detection is simply diagnosing a disease sooner, than later. Preventive health care is correcting your nutrient deficiencies before they progress to the disease state, in the first place, or if you missed this opportunity, preventive health care is also restoring health before the disease reaches the point of no return, where it is too late to do so.
The good news is that we have had a significant number of new clients restore their health, utilizing our clinical nutrition and naturopathic services, even though they had been told by well-meaning experts that it was too late, in other words, nothing more could, medically, be done to help them.
The Body Needs Your Help To Heal When a disease is labeled, "no cure," what this really means is that the treatment of medicine (i.e., drugs and surgery) cannot cure it. The fact is the human body is capable of healing itself of any disease as long as long as you:
provide what the body requires to heal, i.e., sufficient and pure air, food, water, as well as, exercise, sunshine, loving relationships, purpose in life, etc.
stop interfering with its healing process, i.e,, violating the laws or principles that govern the healthy function of the human mind and body and eliminate or dramatically reduce toxic exposures from the pollution in your air, food and water.
and you do the above before the nutrient deficiencies and toxicity of the cells have resulted in cellular decay to the point of no return.
Nutrient Supplement Questionnaire Evaluates.... The Nutrient Supplement Questionnaire provides a list of nutritional symptoms (i.e., symptoms caused by nutrient deficiencies) to evaluate whether you warrant having a clinical nutrition analysis of your biochemistry (i.e., blood, urine, saliva, stool, or hair) to identify your specific deficiencies and correct them by taking the right vitamins, minerals and other food supplements, at the right dosage, frequency and duration. Duration is determined through clinical nutrition retesting.
When nutritional test results indicated that nutrient levels have been restored, the supplement(s) you have been taking are no longer required. Otherwise, without clinical nutrition testing, supplements are taken longer than they are needed, which cause health challenges related to excessive levels of nutrients, or they are stopping too soon, i.e., before restoring nutrient sufficiency and health.
Ruling out accidental injury and true hereditary factors, understanding what causes symptoms and that disease is caused by long-term nutrient deficiencies and toxicity, it is obvious that a clinical nutrition analysis of your biochemistry is a valuable investment of time, energy and money for the purpose of preventive health care, i.e., the prevention of disease, and health and/or health restoration, if disease is already present.
Health Is Our Best Investment The most important investment in one's lifetime is the investment of time, energy (effort) and money in one's health, no matter at what age one begins. Investing in one's health is to obtain in a clinical nutrition analysis of their biochemistry to identify and then correct cellular nutrient deficiencies and detoxify toxic substances from their cells and tissue.
Not Sure That Your Investment In Your Health Is Priority? If you are not sure that investing in your health is your most important investment, read these two web pages, "Poor Health Costs" and "Nutrition Saves and Pays."
Costs More To Invest In Health Later Than Right Now! There are three key pivoting moments in your lifetime when your decision to begin investing in your health will have its greatest impact on the quality (pain free, or not) of the life you will live and your longevity (how long). These three decisions are related to when you will start to invest in your health. Will you invest your time, money and effort to stay healthy (1) prevent disease (2), or invest just before it's too (3). #3 costs more time, money and effort (energy), than #1 and #2, #2 costs more than #1, and #1 costs the least of all. Starting right now will save your more time, money and effort than starting later. The three key deciding moments are:
before your cellular deficiencies, currently in progress, develop symptoms - this is true preventive health care.
when you experience symptoms and before their symptoms of deficiencies progress to the disease state, where cells are decaying. The Nutrient Supplement Questionnaire will evaluate if you are in this stage.
when you are in a disease state and before malnourished cells have degenerated to the point of no return.
An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure! The old adage, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure" means that one's investment in time, energy and money will always be less in any earlier stage of nutrient deficiency progression, when compared to their investment in the eleventh hour, so to speak -- just before its too late. Therefore, the sooner you get started, the better, and the less time, energy and money you will be investing in your health. Did You Decide To Start Now? Click here to inquire about and to order a clinical nutrition analysis of your biochemistry.
After reading this webpage regarding the Toxicity Questionnaire/Evaluation, you may click on the above links to review information on the other 3 of the 4 FREE Evaluations to make a decision regarding which FREE Evaluation you would like to select as our "Thank You For Subscribing." Then by referring three more friends to subscribe, you qualify for all Four Evaluations. Complete the EVALUATION REQUEST FORM to receive Passcodes to open web page for the Questionnaire and Evaluation you have selected.
Secure Website Info - Disclaimer - Copyright
Last Website Update: 02/26/22 8:30 a.m. CST
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional educational purposes only
and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith -- .NET 8/22/18
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