ADVANCED CLINICAL NUTRITION - Dr. D. Smith (940) 761-4045 Welcome to our secure Client website! | Our Cell-Friendly Visitor website is: AdvancedClinicalNutrition.Com - Dr. Smith Has Over 90% National and International Client Health Success Record!
THREE WAYS SUPPLEMENTS ARE MANUFACTURED TODAY (22-Page Article) This article will increase your knowledge and value of the whole food, therapeutic supplements you will be taking. Please read before starting them.
Step 22
PROACTIVE AND REACTIVE LIFESTYLES DEFINED (26 Pages) Developing a proactive approach to life is the first step toward healing and staying healthy for your lifetime.
Step 23
Increase Knowledge • Save Time and Money
Step 24
The Four Steps To Making Lasting Principle-Centered Dietary, Lifestyle and Mind-Body Changes. The Three Phases in Developing Successful Self-Motivation!
Self-Motivation is the Greatest of All Human Challenges
Create Your Own Support Team!! HEALING SUCCESS IS EASIER WHEN SURROUNDED BY SUPPORTIVE FAMILY AND FRIENDS The best support is inviting others to join you in improving their health too!
Step 25
To Help You Succeed In Helping Those You Love Improve Their Health and to help us fulfill our mission in life:
Healthy Citizens Are The Greatest Asset Any Country Can Have! (Churchill, 1943)
Completing Steps 1-25 means you have now concluded your part in theInitial Assessment Processing Procedures.
Insurance Reimbursement? If you plan to submit your paid invoices from us to your insurance company for reimbursement, the information you need from us to do so is on the pop-out Webpage G attached to the New Client Instructions webpage.
If you have not yet used your client passcodes to open and read all the web pages from the "---CLIENT WEBPAGES BELOW--" through the "SPECIAL WEBSITE LINKS," please do that now. Being familiar with their contents will help you after you start your program.
Please note that webpages after "Special Website Links" have their own passcodes and these will be provided as they apply to you.
Thank you for proactively helping us help you!
Knowledge gives you more power to make permanent healthy dietary and lifestyle changes.
Disclaimer: Information provided in website for nutritional educational purposes only and not for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition, disorder or disease
Copyright 2004 Dr. Donna F. Smith -- .NET 8/22/18
A Word from Dr. Smith regarding this Secure Website. "I have had this website since the early 1990's. As you can see by its design, it is from an original style where the left column is the navigation bar, instead of today's contemporary websites that have a drop-down Menu. From the onset, this site has been secure from viruses and malware and still is.
You may have noticed Google is now placing a padlock icon to the left of website addresses, which can be misleading if you do not know what it means. If the padlock has a red slash across it, this means that the website is not secure for credit card processing. A red slash does not mean the website is not secure from viruses and malware. To be secure for card processing, the website requires an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate and special coding for this purpose. However, “Information only” websites, like this one, do not require an SSL because no currency is being processed through the website. Still, Google is placing the padlocks on all websites, and this is very misleading to those who do not understand their meaning.
Before the SSL Certificate and Coding, “https:/” represented websites that were SSL secure for card processing and “http:/” websites were not. However, though an http:/ website is not secure for card processing that does not mean that it is not secure against viruses and malware.
Please be assured that websites with http:/, padlocks with red slashes, and pop-up warning signs are now an "automatic" response from Google crawlers when they come across a website that does not have an SSL (i.e., does not a padlock without red slash), even if the website does not require one (like information only websites) OR the website cannot be coded for an SSL Certificate because it is an original website design from the 1990's or earlier. This website is both…it does not require an SSL because it is an information only website and it cannot be coded for SSL because of its original design; hence it will always have the red slash over the padlock. .
This website contains over 1000 educational webpages, which our contemporary websites are not designed to accommodate any more. This is why I plan to maintain this original design website from Network Solutions, who guarantees all of its websites are all virus and malware free, whether of original or contemporary design, and currently I do not provide a website that processes card payments.